Health & Wellness Treatments in Newtown, Bucks County, PA

Surveys suggest that only half of the population seek dental care routinely. Many patients wait for tooth pain, others focus on pearly white smiles….and this is great…. Yet, there is a greater opportunity waiting for you.

Understanding the oral systemic connection, we broaden our lens and see beyond a tooth surface. We understand the mouth is the gateway to the body. We begin to know you through your health survey. Our goal is to offer you a guide from simple, daily directives to recommendations when needed that help create greater overall health. We care about a brighter future.

If you care about living a vibrant, active lifestyle, consider empowering yourself to greater oral and overall wellness, as well as creating beautiful smiles! We are a Complete Health Dental team offering a variety of services under one roof, serving patients from ages 2 to 102!  Click the links below to learn more about each service. WELCOME to our care!


Oral Systemic Health

Disease and destruction seem to happen silently. Our bodies are generally resilient, however when too many daggers are thrown at a target, the target may succumb. The process of combatting bad bacteria may simply be known as the process of inflammation. Why does a dentist care? The mouth is the gateway to the body. When there is an active oral inflammatory state, you are introducing bad bacteria throughout your body through your circulatory system.

Comprehensive Dental Exams

A comprehensive dental exam is an ideal starting point to review with a broad scope, where our patient is starting. We dedicate doctor’s time for the patient, and this provides time to exchange communication. Patients may have specific concerns and wishes – this is a time to begin and discuss. There are several types of dental examinations from a limited exam typical for urgent considerations, to periodic examinations which monitor you over time.

Non-Surgical Periodontal Care

The problem with periodontal disease is that it is a silent disease. It is the number one reason for tooth loss. Many people do not know they are walking around with periodontal disease. Here are two tell-tale clues that may help you know…. the classic PINK in the SINK after brushing your teeth OR someone kindly telling in a whisper that you have BAD BREATH. Non-Surgical Periodontal Care is the first step and is conservative consideration to halt the disease process.

Myofunctional Therapy

The problem is that many people suffer with a wide array of systemic concerns. Science is showing that these concerns have a root cause in the underdevelopment of the jaw and orofacial muscle dysfunction. Simply stated, myofunctional therapy helps patients with the ability to nasally breathe, have a lip seal, and train their tongue to function better. Some common issues may show up as sleep apnea and snoring, swallowing disorders, tongue thrusting, speech impediments, severe allergies, TMJ disfunction, and orthodontic relapses.

Guided Growth & Airway Development

A good night’s sleep is important for everyone and especially children in their growing years. Having an unobstructed airway is important. Clues that your child may be having disrupted sleep is snoring, sleeping in unusual positions, grinding their teeth, wetting the bed, having night terrors. While they are awake they may exhibit behavioral signs of irritability, moodiness, drowsiness, trouble concentrating, fidgeting and hyperactivity. This is why many children are misdiagnosed with ADHD when it could be related to sleep disordered breathing.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Do you wake up feeling tired and sluggish? Does your snoring keep your partner awake at night? One doesn’t really know what is happening while they’re asleep and yet Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) has serious effects on the body as it robs it of oxygen and increases stress on the body’s systems. It’s important to be checked if you are having symptoms like daytime fatigue, difficulty concentrating, sore jaws or worn teeth from clenching, frequent trips to the bathroom during what is supposed to be restful sleep.

Our practice is uniquely qualified to help you recognize the leading indicators of OSA. We work with a Board-Certified Sleep Physician to arrive at a proper diagnosis. We are a part of a team of integrated specialists that can offer you help.

Smart Mercury Amalgam Removal

“Silver fillings” are a mixture of powdered metals (silver, tin, and copper). 50% of the content is elemental mercury acting as a binder to form the amalgam. Another name for the silvery-looking filling is a “Mercury Amalgam filling”. Mercury is a known neurotoxin. It has been widely removed from other medicinal devices uses, like thermometers, for example. Our government placed regulations on mercury containment, like keeping mercury out of wastewater.

We have chosen not to place mercury amalgam as a filling material. Other dental materials were available, and they could actually save tooth structure, strengthen a tooth, be more aesthetic, as well as avoid the interaction with mercury vapors. Today, we still see this sort of filling being used and as a result, we use the Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique to protect our patients as well as our team.

TMJ Disorders & Treatment

TMJ refers to the Temporomandibular Joint, and it is the hinge that joins your jaw to the temporal bones of your skull. This joint is made up of bone, disc, synovial cavity, ligaments, and muscles. This joint allows you to move your jaw side to side and up and down; it facilitates chewing, talking, and yawning.

In some cases, when there is a problem with this joint, you may hear this referred to as a Temporomandibular Joint Disorder or TMD. Treatment can vary widely and according to whether a case is simple or complex. It could include an orthotic appliance, of which there are a variety to meet various needs.

Dementia Treatment

The biochemistry of Alzheimer’s Disease begins 20 years before the diagnosis is made. Dr. Dale Bredesen, a UCLA neurologist, has developed comprehensive prevention and reversal programs analyzing over 36 known contributors to Alzheimer’s. The best current medication only slows cognitive decline by 20%. Dr. Bredesen’s pilot study shows 84% improvement in people with cognitive decline.

ReCODE (Reverse Cognitive Decline) is a systematic program designed to halt, or even reverse Alzheimer’s disease by treating its many root causes.

As the Certified ReCODE dentist on a team of Certified ReCODE specialists, Dr. Lantzy is poised to help through a multidimensional program where the evaluation and mitigation of dental risk factors are one of the goals.



The best dentist I have ever had and absolutely wonderful staff from the moment you arrive and are greeted until when you are leaving and paying your bill. I cannot say enough good things about the Lantzy dentist office!

David O.

Highly recommend Dr. Lantzy! I have such bad experiences with dentists, but the staff was a huge breath of fresh air. They were kind, warm and caring and made me feel at such ease. I wasn’t rushed like other places I’ve been to and they took the time to make sure I left satisfied with the work done.

Arielle R.

Wonderful experience. No waiting. Cheerful, friendly efficient staff. Bob is a skilled professional. A pleasure going to the dentist. Bob has been my dentist for 25 years so he must be doing something right!

Robert O.

Everyone in this office is kind, compassionate, encouraging and skilled. They are the best dentist I’ve ever been to. As someone who is afraid of a dentist I cannot recommend this office enough. They are top notch

Bridget M.

Excellent first time experience at this office. The most thorough dental exam I have ever had. Felt heard and felt like all bases were covered. All the staff were kind and welcoming and the office was beautiful. Dr. Lanzy and his office is highly recommended for all your dental needs!

Kristen Z.