It’s always best to try to prevent problems before they occur, but sometimes a tooth becomes damaged, either through decay or because of an accident. In the past, if you needed a dental crown to fix a damaged tooth, it would take a couple of visits to get your restoration completed. However, with advances in dental technology, there is a new and improved method to restore damaged teeth in just one visit. Discover how with CEREC Crowns from your Newtown, PA, dentist Dr. Robert Lantzy can work for you.
You may have put off a dental problem, but it’s best not to ignore problems with your smile, as they could get worse if not treated in time. If you have a damaged tooth, either from decay or due to an accident, a dental crown may be the recommended treatment option. In the past, if you needed a dental crown, there were two visits that were required in order to complete the restoration.
First, your tooth would be prepared and an impression made. Once the impression was taken, it would be sent to a dental laboratory and you would have to return to the doctor, once again, to finish the procedure. With CEREC Crowns from your Newtown, PA, dentist, we are now able to complete the restoration in just one dental visit.
There is a digital scanner that takes impressions of your tooth, which are then transferred to the machine that mills your restoration. Using the 3-d digital camera reduces the hassle of messy impressions, and once the camera takes digital impressions of your damaged tooth, then it’s up to the CAD (Computer Aided Design) technology to take over and design a restoration that looks good and fits in with the rest of your smile. Then the dental crown is milled while you wait. Finishing touches are added to the dental crown so that the color and aesthetics fit in with the rest of your smile.
This technology allows your dentist, Dr. Lantzy, to restore damaged teeth with a natural looking restoration, that is both quick and effective. You will still want to maintain great oral hygiene with daily brushing and flossing to ensure that the dental crown and the rest of your smile remain in good shape. And while we always try to work with you to prevent dental issues, there are times when a restoration is necessary. Trust Dr. Lantzy to provide the treatment you need, for a beautiful and healthy smile, with CEREC Crowns in his Newtown, PA, office today.